Visceral Manipulation – Organs of the abdomen- Part 1
Liver, stomach, gall bladder, duodenum and related sphincters
This new format of our visceral courses focuses during the first part (three days) on liver, stomach, gall bladder, duodenum and small intestine. There will be clear instruction for anatomical topology, for detailed tests of mobility and motility of the organs, for their relations with vessels and sphincters. We will learn how to distinguish the role of ligaments and fascial envelopes. The goal of the course is to understand the meanwhile „classical“ tests and treatment techniques within the context of new concepts, for example the viscoelasticity of some organs.
Your instructor

Peter Schwind, Dr. phil. HP
Dr. phil., HP Peter Schwind, Rolfer® und Heilpraktiker, hat seine Ausbildung am von Ida Rolf begründeten Rolf Institute of Structural Integration® in…
More about Peter Schwind
Thursday, 09.02.2017- Saturday, 11.02.2017
(3 days)
If you wish translation, you can tell us via the registration form. We cannot guarantee, but we do our best.
540,00 €
payment until 14.12.2016
486,00 €
when course fee will be paid within 14 days after course confirmation
Location unknown
No registration possible